Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Today as an experiment, I attached a long 18 inch extender onto the handle of my watercolor brush. I immediately noticed that it was harder to paint tightly. (I'm working on ways I can loosen up my brush strokes, bigger brushes, longer handles, etc.) The brush sometimes went places I didn't want it to go so there was some chaos in today's sketch. I also didn't do a preliminary drawing. If I had, I'm sure it would have been a better likeness and there wouldn't have been as much variance or distortion. I jumped in and started painting without any drawing in pencil. I like to draw with my brush, just when I do, I find that its very difficult to correct things I want to change or do over. What I need is some erasable watercolors! hehe


  1. Hi William

    I just stumbled upon your blog/FB initiative to do a caricature or sketch a day. I've been doing he same for 206 days now! I'd love for you to ad me on FB and give me some feedback/crit.

    Keep up the fine sketches.

