I'm trying something different. I would like to do a painting or finished piece of something I feel really passionate about. This is a first stab at it. From my memory: 51 years ago 1958. I was six years old. Every day coming home from school, when I got to the vacant lot near our home I would just start running like a bat outta hell. I felt like superman! I don't remember my feet touching the ground I had so much energy after sitting in a classroom that I wanted to explode like a rocket. When I started running towards home, our family dog would start barking and come tearing across the field like an interceptor missle, then he would pull up along side of me really close and we would race the last 100 yards or so. Those days were some of the happiest & best memories of my life. My dog's name was Pal. He was a rough collie and was bigger than shown in this drawing. I drew this from memory but tomorrow I'm going to do a little research so I can get a more accurate figure grouping. Back in those days, I had a buzz cut, wore old faded stripped t-shirts that belonged to my uncles back in the 40's and I wore baggy cordoroy pants that were rolled up at the ends because nobody bought kids pants that fit them perfectly. Back then you were expected to 'grow into" your clothes before you wore them out. I had a nifty Roy Rogers metal lunch pale too. I call this 'Running with Pal" a memory of pure energetic happiness.
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